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Reunion 0.1

The progress made in our first company reunion. The colors we tested and documenting things


Yesterday (01/05/2022) we made our first reunion, sadly with only two of us personally (Renato and Bruno) and one via Google Meet. But even in this situation, we did a lot of progress.

  • We choose a font: Robot for the body of every text (Maybe try Open Sans in the future).
  • We tried some palette colors
  • Improve the overall CSS structure with new variables

Choosing Fonts

To choose the font we made some kind of display of the possible options. Between the options was:

  • Mukto
  • Inconsolata
  • Open Sans
  • Roboto
  • Nunito

We ended up with Roboto, just because the time was running out. Maybe I will test some Open Sans in the future

Trying Palettes

It was a lot of fun and we are excited to improve each time more this website and write new and improved articles here.

Between the pallets tested we have these:





I liked the gray one. But will try nome others in the future, thus it's nothing defined yet. Maybe a bluer grey.

To improve the palette swap I created many variables to centralize the styles of the website. In the future, I want to make a Dark Theme as well, but to do this will need to make some changes again.

And to document the moment, we decided to shoot some photos (and I made some effects by hand):

